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Alba Duarte

Alba is a Counsel in International Trade at Lefosse.

Alba has been working in the field of International Trade for 20 years, and has extensive experience in representing companies and sectoral entities before the federal public administration.

For a decade, she worked at the Department of Trade Defense (DECOM), an agency linked to the Secretariat of Foreign Trade. Among her roles for the government, Alba coordinated dumping and safeguards investigations and supported the conduct of investigations of subsidies and circumvention. She also participated in international negotiations in the Negotiating Group of Rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in the Negotiating Group of the Regional Safeguards Regime of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI). Alba was directly involved in the preparation of the Antidumping Decree No. 8,058/13, which consolidated the rules and procedures regarding the application and review of antidumping duties in Brazil.

After leaving the Federal Government, she worked in the petrochemical industry where she coordinated trade defence processes and competitiveness issues, representing the sector’s interests before class entities and the federal government.

Doctoral student and master’s in international relations at the University of São Paulo (USP).

Bachelor of Laws from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF).

Member of the International Trade Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Competition, Consumption and International Trade Studies (IBRAC).


Alba Duarte
Alba Duarte

+55 11 3025 3265