On September 12, 2023, Law No. 14,671/2023 came into force, authorizing the signing of terms of commitment between control and inspection bodies that are part of the Brazilian Health…
Results conferences, institutional presentations and various events aimed at informing the market and shareholders are essential for publicly traded companies in exercising the principle of…
During the most recent plenary session held on August 2nd, 2023, the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) resumed its deliberation about case TC 008.877/2023-8, which involves the Court’s…
On the last 26th, the Superintendency of Private Insurance (SUSEP) published SUSEP Circular No. 690 of July 24, 2023. The respective rule provides for changes in the following provisions:…
The provisions on legislative application and choice of forum and possible violations of the Arbitration Law Following the analysis of the House Bill No. 29/2017 (PLC), we will address the…
In a recent decision the Brazilian Superior Court (STJ) issued a ruling clarifying the treatment of enforcement procedures against third-party guarantors during the judicial restructuring…
On June 21 of this year, the Board of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (“CADE”) approved a joint venture involving important agricultural commodities players, whose…
The Operations Registration System (SRO) is an important tool used by the Private Insurance Superintendence (Susep) for the control and inspection of operations carried out in the market…
Complementary Bill No. 101/2023 (PLP), attached to PLP No. 519/2018 authored by former deputy Lucas Vergílio, appears as a proposal to promote a significant expansion of the participation…