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International Trade

Technical excellence in representing clients in Brazil and abroad.

Our International Trade team is led by professionals with more than twenty years of experience in representing clients in matters related to the complex global flow of goods and services. We have in-depth knowledge of issues and agreements negotiated within the scope of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and experience in controversies conducted by its Dispute Settlement Body.

We act in the defense of the interests of companies and sector entities before foreign authorities and the federal public administration. Our team is dedicated to understand corporate needs and to work within the correct legal framework. We offer a customized, technical and strategic service implementing mechanisms capable of mitigating risk and increasing competitiveness.

Our services

  • Trade Remedies: dumping, subsidies, safeguards, circumventions and public interest analysis
  • Rules of origin and representation in preferential and non preferential origin investigations
  • Analysis of technical, regulatory, health and environmental barriers to international trade
  • Temporary or permanent changes on the Mercosur Common External Tariff (TEC)
  • Ex tariffs for capital goods and information technology
  • Inclusion of products on the List of goods without local production
  • Certification by the Authorized Economic Operator Program
  • Development and implementation of compliance programs for foreign trade areas
  • Advice on issues related to trade control and export sanctions
  • Carbon credits and adjustments to international commitments
  • Defense of interests in the context of the negotiation of bilateral and regional agreements
  • Representation of companies and sector entities before regulatory agencies and other federal public administration bodies