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  • 7 February 2024
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Trends for 2024 in Compliance, Investigations and White-Collar

The year 2024, from the point of view of the practice of Compliance, Investigations and White-Collar, begins in a climate of expectation regarding the rigor with which external audits conduct their work, given the increased scrutiny resulting from the reputational crises that marked 2023. Furthermore, there has been progress in regulating the cryptocurrency market with the recent approval, by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), of the creation of exchange-traded fund (ETFs), which have already resulted in being traded on the stock exchange.

For our experts, this year we can expect to see the strengthening of companies’ internal controls and new rules with requirements for the responsibility of senior management and management bodies. Check out the material with the trends for this year and their impacts on business performance, available here.

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