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  • 17 April 2023
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Lefosse promotes six lawyers to partners and reinforces its full-service strategy

This Monday (17), Lefosse announces the promotion of six professionals to partners of the firm, reinforcing the practices of Energy, Real Estate, Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A, Wealth Planning and Tax, aligned with the strategy of legal full-service excellence and multidisciplinary work.

Mariana Pollini (Capital Markets), Mariana Rodrigues (Real Estate), Bruno Crispim (Energy), Leonardo Batista (Corporate and M&A), Emmanuel Abrantes (Tax), and Ricardo Santos (Wealth Planning) became partners of the firm.

Professionals are recognized in the market for their practical experience and deep knowledge of different industries and businesses, working side by side with clients in search of the best solutions.

“Following the strategy defined for our expansion, we extended our operations in a multidisciplinary way, developing lawyers in this entrepreneurial culture that represents our brand, with proximity and trusting relationships with our clients”, comments Rodrigo Junqueira, managing partner of Lefosse.

Learn more about Lefosse’s new partners:

Bruno Crispim is a partner in Energy practice. He is actively involved in regulatory matters related to the sale of electricity in the Free and Regulated Contracting Environments, Energy Purchase and Sale Agreements and Structured Energy Trading Operations. Bruno has extensive expertise in advising on transactions involving renewable energy, including wind, solar photovoltaic, hydroelectric energy and biomass. His practice extends to administrative, judicial and arbitration litigation and covers regulatory issues in the energy industry. Bruno specializes in Electric Energy Regulatory Law, having acted as an in-house lawyer of Câmara de Comercialização de Energia Elétrica (Electric Energy Commercialization Chamber – CCEE), in corporate and regulatory divisions, for 6 years. Bruno graduated in Law from Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo, has a postgraduate degree in Business Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP) and has completed an extension Electricity Sector Regulation course from Associação Brasileira de Companhias de Energia Elétrica (ABCE). His work in Energy practice is recognized by several international and national entities, such as Chambers and Partners Global and Análise Advocacia. He was recently awarded by The Legal 500 Brazil Awards 2023 as a Rising Star of the Year in Regulatory Energy.

Emmanuel Abrantes is a partner in Tax at Lefosse. He provides tax advice on national and international operations, as well as on M&A projects, cross-border transactions, business structuring for foreign companies in Brazil and capital markets. He has extensive experience and a special focus on the technology and payment markets. Emmanuel holds a master’s degree in Tax Law at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), a specialist degree in Tax Law at Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários (IBET), and gratuated in law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG).

Leonardo Batista is a partner for Corporate and M&A practice. He has extensive expertise in transactions involving publicly-held and closely-held companies, private equity funds, cross-border transactions, joint ventures, corporate reorganization and general corporate law regulatory matters, including public companies. Leonardo holds a degree in Law from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Mariana Pollini is a partner in the Capital Markets practice. She has extensive expertise in debt capital markets (DCM) and equity capital markets (ECM) operations in the domestic and international markets, including initial and subsequent public offerings of shares, debentures (convertible or not), commercial paper and promissory notes, bonds, real estate receivables certificates (CRI) and agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA), as well as quotas of real estate investment funds (FII) and receivables investment funds (FIDC). Her work also encompasses the most diverse structures of structured financing, debt securities private placements, in addition to debt restructuring and renegotiation. Mariana holds a degree in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) and a MBA in Business Administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Mariana Rodrigues is a partner in Real Estate practice. She has solid expertise in Real Estate Law and related areas. She worked with real estate transactions of the most diverse types, including leases, all stages of real estate incorporations and developments, structuring of transactions involving real estate receivables, direct and indirect acquisition and sale of rural and urban properties (including by means of corporate structures and consortia) for the development of logistical and residential real estate projects, creation and foreclosure of real estate guarantees, among others. She also engaged in greenfield projects, built to suit, sale and lease back transactions, as well as wealth management involving real estate and rights arising therefrom, as well as in direct or indirect acquisitions of rural properties by foreigners or similar. Mariana holds a degree in Law from Faculdade de Direito de Franca, a postgraduate degree in Real Estate Law from Faculdade Autônoma de Direito (FADISP), and specialization in Real Estate Business from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV).

Ricardo Santos is a partner in the Wealth Planning practice. He specializes in tax and estate planning for international individuals and families. He has extensive expertise in cases involving wealth reorganization, estate planning and expatriation. He also focuses in structuring long-term incentive plans and different types of incentive compensation. Ricardo holds a degree in Law and specializes in Tax Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP).

About Lefosse

Lefosse is a full-service law firm that offers specialized advice in all legal practices, with solid experience in sophisticated legal services in the national and international arenas. It has 67 members with extensive experience in strategic markets and is recognized in major global legal rankings and awards, such as Chambers Brazil 2022, The Legal 500, and Elite Office 2022, by Latin Lawyer. Lefosse is committed to inclusion, diversity, and a multidisciplinary practical approach to the areas of law.

Practices: Banking and Finance; Capital Markets; Competition and Antitrust; Compliance, Investigations and White-Collar; Corporate and M&A; Dispute Resolution; Energy; Environmental; Infrastructure; Insurance, Reinsurance and Private Pensions; International Trade; Investment Funds; Labor; Life Sciences & Healthcare; Oil & Gas; Public Law and Regulation; Real Estate; Restructuring and Insolvency; Tax; Technology, Data Protection and Intellectual Property and Wealth Planning.
