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From the perspective of experts: energy sector in Brazil

Check out the complete review prepared by our experts with the main perspectives of the energy sector to stay ahead in the market.

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The experts’ point of view: Public Law – Infrastructure

Check out the main analyzes on the infrastructure sector to prepare for what's to come.

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The experts’ point of view: Investment Funds

The review brings the main analyzes of the sector of investment funds in Brazil for those who want to stay ahead in the market.

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Brazil launches new law for clinical research with human beings
Brazil launches new law for clinical research with human beings

Nossos sócios da prática de Life Sciences e Healthcare junto à advogada da prática analisam a Lei nº 14.874/2024, que cria regras para pesquisa com seres humanos no Brasil e traz alterações que impactam todos os envolvidos no ecossistema de pesquisa clínica.

  08/07/2024 Read more
How can development banks work on their ESG credentials?
How can development banks work on their ESG credentials?

Media: The Banker. Renata Cardoso, our partner in the Banking and Finance practice, spoke to The Banker about how development banks can intensify their efforts in sustainable financing. Our…

  06/10/2023 Read more
Arbitration Cases Rise in Brazil to Rival Numbers in the United States
Arbitration Cases Rise in Brazil to Rival Numbers in the United States

Em entrevista para o Law.com, nosso sócio Bernardo Pires, de Resolução de Disputas, comenta sobre o aumento do número de casos resolvidos por arbitragem no Brasil no último ano.

  06/04/2023 Read more


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