
Pedro Dante

Pedro is a partner in Energy at ​​Lefosse.

He specializes in the electricity sector and has more than 19 years’ experience in the legal department of large and prominent companies such as ELEKTRO and CCEE where he worked for 8 years as their Legal Regulatory Manager. Pedro has extensive experience in power purchase contracts (ACL and ACR) and judicial and arbitration litigation involving generators, traders, distributors, transmitters, free consumers, the regulatory agency (ANEEL) and the granting authority. He is President of the Regulation Studies Commission of the Instituto Brasileiro de Estudo do Direito de Energia – IBDE (Brazilian Institute for the Study of Energy Law). Pedro is a lecturer at Canal Solar on the Regulation and Market Models course. He is also Coordinator of the Energy and Arbitration Committee of CAMARB (Câmara de Arbitragem Empresarial – Corporate Arbitration Chamber).


• LL.B. - Universidade Santa Cecília;
• Postgraduate degree in Administrative Law - Sociedade Brasileira de Direito Público (SBDP).


Pedro Dante
Pedro Dante
Pedro Dante

+55 11 3025 3241