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Life Sciences and Healthcare: check out the 2024 retrospective and the trends for 2025

How was 2024 for the Life Sciences and Healthcare sector and what to expect in 2025? Our partners and lawyers analyze, in exclusive materials, the advances of the last year and the impacts…


The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the Banking and Financial Services sector

What do you need to know about the financial sector to stay ahead in the market? In order to provide a complete overview of the sector, the review The experts’ point of view: Banking and…


The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the insurance sector

What do you need to know about the insurance sector to stay ahead in the market? In order to provide a complete overview of the sector, the review The experts’ point of view: Insurance…


The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the technology sector

What do you need to know about the technology sector to stay ahead in the market? In order to provide a complete overview of the sector, the review The experts’ point of view: Technology…


The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the Life Sciences sector

What do you need to know about the Life Sciences sector to stay ahead in the market? To provide a complete overview of the sector, the review The experts’ point of view: Life Sciences…


The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the energy sector

The review The experts’ point of view: Energy brings the main analysis of the sector for those who want to stay ahead in the market. The material provides analysis and insights from our…


The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the infrastructure sector

The experts’ point of view: Public Law – Infrastructure brings the main analyzes of the sector in Brazil for those who want to stay ahead in the market. The material offers a complete…


What You Need to Know about Data Protection in Latin America

The data protection landscape in Latin America is characterized by significant regulatory complexity that requires proper treatment and in-depth study, application, supplementation, and…


New rules for research with human subjects

Aft­er almost 10 years of deliberation, on May 28, 2024, Law No. 14,874/2024 was sanctioned. The legislation creates rules for research with human subjects in Brazil and brings important…