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Far beyond the Insurance Risk Letter: What the Law no. 14.430/2022 brings to the insurance market

On 08/04/2022, Law No. 14.430, of August 3, 2022, conversion of Provisional Measure no. 1,103, of March 15, 2022 (MP), was published. For the insurance and reinsurance market, the new…


CVM Resolution No. 161 Registration Regime for Underwriters of Public Offering of Securities

We present hereby the main aspects of CVM Resolution No. 161, of July 13, 2022, which becomes effective as of January 2, 2023, and sets forth the registration regime for underwriters of…


CVM Resolution 160 New Regulatory Framework for Public Offerings

On 7/13/2022, the CVM issued Resolution CVM 160, which unifies the Brazilian regulatory framework for public offerings of securities in Brazil and revokes the current (i) CVM Instruction…


Federal tax authorities open to settle goodwill cases with discounts

Taxpayers may opt to settle until July 29, 2022 Federal tax authorities have approved a settlement program under which taxpayers may settle current administrative or judicial litigation…


ANBIMA provides about the dismissal of exams for Private Equity Investment Funds’ Managers to obtain ANBIMA’s Managers’ Certification for Structured Funds (CGE)

On the beginning of this month, came into force the amendments to the ANBIMA’s Regulation and Best Practices Code for the Continued Certification Program of the Brazilian Financial and…


2022: Another Record Year for Compliance and White-Collar Crime Regulatory Initiatives?

2021 was a busy year for the Compliance and Anticorruption agenda, and its regulatory and enforcement initiatives may provide interesting insights on what to expect for 2022. Recognizable…


The main changes brought by the New Foreign Exchange Law

The New Foreign Exchange Law (“Law 14,286/21”), published on December 30, 2021 in the official federal gazette aims to modernize, simplify and bring more efficiency to the foreign…


MME defines schedule of Energy Auctions until 2024

It was published on December 20th of 2021 edition of Union Official Journal the Ordinance Acts no. 32/GM/MME and no. 33/GM/MME, defining, respectively, the estimated schedule of auctions of…


The New Brazilian Administrative Misconduct Law

On October 26, 2021, the Brazilian Congress passed the new Administrative Misconduct Law, introducing significant changes to the anticorruption legal framework in Brazil. The previous…


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