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Federal Supreme Court decides for the unconstitutionality of a complementary law that changed the ISS collection system for payment methods, health plans and leasing sectors, among others

The Brazilian Supreme Court (“STF”) finished on June 02, 2023 the judgement of the Direct Unconstitutionality Action No. 5,835 (“ADI 5,835”), which challenged the constitutionality…


The National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) kicks off a public consultation on personal data security incident reporting rules

The public consultation is available on the +Brasil Platform until May 31, 2023. On May 2, ANPD published a public consultation on the Personal Data Security Incident Reporting Regulation…


Senate approves new OCDE-aligned transfer pricing rules

The Federal Senate approved the Bill of Law no. 8/2023 (which refers to the Provisional Measure no. 1,152/2022) that modifies the Corporate Income Taxes (“CIT”) legislation to provide…


Anvisa approves new rules for clinical laboratories

On 5.10.2023 the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) published  Resolução RDC n° 786/2023, which determines new rules for the functioning of clinical laboratories, pathological…


Law 14,544/2023 – Caixa Econômica Federal acts as administrator of the DPVAT Insurance in 2023

On April 4, 2023, the President of the Board of the National Congress, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco, enacted Law n. 14,544/2023, which assigns to Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF) in the period…


São Paulo’s Court of Appeals confirms a single extension of the stay period

Last week, São Paulo’s Court of Appeal rejected an appeal filed by the debtors in a judicial reorganization proceeding (RJ) seeking a second extension of the 180-day stay period,…


Provisional measure introducing the new transfer pricing rules is approved by the House of Representatives

Provisional Measure No. 1,152/2022 was approved by the House of Representatives. The wording approved preserved the essence of the original one, with effects from January 1, 2024 and…


Brazil Rolls Out Long-Awaited Data Protection Sanctions

*News originally published in Law.com (available here for subscribers) “Brazil has outlined possible penalties for companies that violate its General Law for the Protection of Personal…


ANPD, The Brazilian Data Protection Authority, publishes Rules to Calculate and Enforce Administrative Sanctions under LGPD

The Regulation was considered the last hindrance for ANPD to effectively impose administrative penalties under LGPD On February 27, 2023, the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”)…