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Competition and Antitrust

Fast and effective advice on competition and regulatory issues

Our Competition and Antitrust practice combines extensive practical experience and excellent academic credentials to provide timely and effective legal advice on competition and regulatory matters. We apply technical rigor and transparency when we represent our clients at the Brazilian competition authority (CADE), other agencies, and courts. Our team offers sophisticated and innovative advice regarding M&A transactions, investigations, and litigation.

Our unique combination of experienced professionals in the fields of Public Law, Economic Law and Commercial Law ensures that we can provide agile legal advice which is focused on results and is attentive to the needs and objectives of our clients – all carried out in a multidisciplinary manner and aligned with the values and principles of our firm.

Our services:

We have experience in structuring and submitting hundreds of M&A transactions to the competition authority (CADE) and other agencies, including some of the most complex mergers ever reviewed in Brazil; as well as in defending clients’ interests in complex investigations and in litigation involving cartels and abuse of dominance cases. We also have been directly involved in high stakes amnesty (leniency) negotiations and other types of collaboration with the Brazilian authorities.