

  • 7 November 2024
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ANPD Opens Call for Contributions regarding Artificial Intelligence

On November 6, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) opened a Call for Contributions for its project for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), part of the agency’s Regulatory Agenda for 2023-2024.

The goal is to gather input from different sectors of the civil society, including academia, public and private sectors, on the use of personal data in AI systems and regarding the review of automated decisions – a right provided by the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). This input will support ANPD’s study of the topic and potential future regulation on the matter.

The Call for Contributions consists of questions organized into four sections:

  • adequacy of data processing activities carried out in connection with AI systems to the LGPD principles for processing personal data;
  • legal grounds authorizing data processing in connection with these systems;
  • data subject’s rights; and
  • the adoption of governance and best practices in the use of personal data in connection with AI systems. Contributions can be submitted until December 5, 2024, via the Participa+Brasil platform.

Contributions can be submitted until December 5, 2024, via the Participa+Brasil platform. closely follows the ANPD’s movements.

Our team specialized in Technology and Dara Protection closely follows the ANPD’s movements.

For further clarification on this or other topics of interest, please contact our team.

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