Fábio Rosas, Bernardo Carneiro, and José Luis de Rosa join us to further strengthen our multidisciplinary full-service offering Lefosse announces the arrival of three new partners to…
On September 29th, the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP) Public Consultation Notice No. 12/2022 was published. This invites all interested parties to submit within 30 (thirty)…
The Lefosse Energy Day was attended by more than 300 participants and brought together 25 energy market experts in multidisciplinary panels, focusing on legal, regulatory and commercial…
The idea is to regulate and operationalize telemedicine in the Unified Health System (“SUS”). In some regions of the capital of the state of São Paulo, the average waiting time for…
On 09.22.2022, Provisional Measure No. 1,137 (“MP 1,137”) was published to introduce significant changes on the taxation applicable to investments performed by non-resident investors…
There have been important developments in the legislative that will greatly impact the activities of the national competition authority (the Administrative Council for Economic Defense, or…
On 08/04/2022, Law No. 14.430, of August 3, 2022, conversion of Provisional Measure no. 1,103, of March 15, 2022 (MP), was published. For the insurance and reinsurance market, the new…
We present hereby the main aspects of CVM Resolution No. 161, of July 13, 2022, which becomes effective as of January 2, 2023, and sets forth the registration regime for underwriters of…
Adriana Dantas joins the office with three more lawyers working in Compliance, Investigations, Government Enforcement, and International Trade Matters On this Monday (8th), Lefosse…