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Rafael Soares

Rafael is a counsel in Dispute Resolution practice at Lefosse.

Rafael has more than ten years of experience of high-complexity Litigation (with emphasis on local and international arbitration), with special focus on M&A and corporate disputes and construction agreements. He has been involved in more than 60 arbitration proceedings administered by ICC, LCIA, CAM/CCBC, CAMARB, CIEPS/FIESP and CAM/B3.

Before joining Lefosse Advogados, he worked as a lawyer in some of the largest offices in Brazil and has worked as assistant to some of the most renowned arbitrators in Brazil.

He co-translated the ICCA Guide on Interpretation of the 1958 NY Convention and the Young ICCA Guide on Arbitration Secretaries.

Listed on Chambers & Partners – Dispute Resolution: Arbitration – Brazil 2022.

Member of the LCIA Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG-LCIA), Young ICCA and member of the Executive Board of INOVARB-AMCHAM.

Bachelor’s degree in Law from Universidade de São Paulo and Graduate degree student in Corporate Law from Fundação Getulio Vargas.


Rafael Soares
Rafael Soares
Rafael Soares

+55 11 3025 3270