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  • 25 July 2024
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The experts’ point of view: check out the main analysis on the energy sector

The review The experts’ point of view: Energy brings the main analysis of the sector for those who want to stay ahead in the market. The material provides analysis and insights from our experts on the regulatory, transactional and tax fronts. Furthermore, they identify not only the opportunities and challenges for the energy transition, but also for the opening of the free energy market in the country from tax and business perspectives.

In the cover story, partners Raphael Gomes, Christiano Rehder and Pedro Dante, together with counsel Rafaela Canito, share the path to be followed for the country’s advancement in the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction agenda in line with the energy transition. They also identify opportunities in opening the free market and regulatory challenges.

In an interview with our partners, we analyzed the tariff and regulatory scenario in the energy sector, in addition to exploring the prospects for M&A operations and the impacts of Tax Reform. We also bring the themes:

  • Advances in the GHG reduction agenda;
  • Rationalization of charges;
  • Prospects for M&A operations in the sector;
  • Renewable generation projects after end of automatic renewal of Tusd and Tust discounts;
  • Impact of the Tax Reform on the sector;
  • What to expect from the Complementary Law to EC 132/2023;
  • Impacts of the delay in obtaining Reidi on distributed mini-generation projects.

Finally, the material provides a business barometer with the main opportunities and points of attention in the energy sector in Brazil.

To prepare for the sector’s next challenges, check out the complete review.

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