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Beatriz Ghosn

Beatriz is a counsel in Public Law and Regulation practice at Lefosse.

Beatriz is specialized in Public Law and regulated markets. She advises national and foreign companies in their operations in Brazil and in their relations with Brazilian government entities, focusing on bidding processes, administrative contracts, concessions, public-private partnerships (PPP), as well as on licensing procedures and administrative processes in the main regulated sectors.

She holds a law degree from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, a specialist in Administrative Law from the Brazilian Society of Public Law – SBDP, a postgraduate degree in Infrastructure Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – GVLaw and holds an LL.M. in International Business Law from the IE Law School in Madrid. She has international experience as a secondee in a Spanish law firm, in Madrid, for six months, where she worked on projects for Spanish and foreign clients.

Beatriz Ghosn

+55 11 3024 6423